Friday, 16 December 2011

inception essay

Successful media products depend as much on marketing and distribution to a specific audience as they do upon good production practices'. To what extent would you agree with this statement. Within the media area (film) you have studied?
Inception is a successful blockbuster film, inception from a budget of 175$ million and a market budget of 100$million it produced a  box office revenue from United States of= $292,576,195, international=  $532,956,569, and worldwide=$825,532,764.
by allowing 100$ million which is almost as much as the budget for the film, inception was able to use loads of different marketing techniques because of the huge marketing budget which allowed the film to reach as wider audience as it possibly can to make as much money as it possibly can.
For the marketing of the film various different ways of advertising were used, posters- inception had poster campaign containing a teaser trailer for the film and 7 different posters one each for a different main character this is clever because not only does it advertise the film but it also advertises what actors are in it and could attract fans of the actors/ actresses, they had giant billboards put up on the side of buildings these were a good idea because you definitely can’t miss a poster the size\of a building, 9 different tv spots advertising the film, 2 trailers, press junkets- where the cast meet and greet the international press, as well as this they have a website and spin off marketing material such as pop ups, comic books and a website for the 'dream device'.
In the trailers there is recurring theme with the use of 'The director of the dark knight' which provides the film with recognition so people know that its going to be good because they are using the high standard of the dark night as their standard setter. inception is a film that was made to attract to a few different audiences they haven’t shown it as one specific genre for a specific section of people because they want get as many people to be interested as possible, it would interest a lot of people for example- Christopher Nolan fans who know who he is and like his previous work would be interested, as well as batman fans- people who liked the dark night would want to check it out, fans of Leonardo decaprio- people who love him as an actor and like the sorts of films/ roles he plays, as well as fans of action, drama intelligent and films with good special effects.

Inception was released by Warner bro studios, the premier for inception was held in London in July 2010, it was released in both conventional and IMAX theatres on July 16, 2011, the film had its world premiere at Leicester Square in London, United Kingdom on July 8, 2010. In the United States and Canada, Inception was released theatrically in 3,792 conventional theatres and 195 IMAX theatres. The film grossed $21.8 million during its opening day on July 16, 2010, with midnight screenings in 1,500 locations. Overall the film made $62.7 million and debuted at No.1 on its opening weekend, the home video market also had strong results, with $68 million in DVD sales.
By using so many different areas of advertising that can reach almost everyone in some way- posters, TV slots, websites etc, i believe that all of these things is what makes a film successful, no marketing cant make a film brilliant its the making that makes it good but it can sell a film which is what makes the film both well known and successful.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

How is gender represented in the clip from mistresses?

How is gender represented in the clip from mistresses? Throughout this clip from mistresses three different scenes are shown, the first scene opens with a brief extract of music- non digetic to introduce the clip, the scene then takes place with a husband and wife in the kitchen, the woman in the relationship is represented as taking on not your typical house wife role, but in contrast is shown as a business woman, whereas the husband is represented as a house husband being the one who isn’t working, in the relationship the typical traditional roles seem to be reversed, and we are shown clues of this for example the wife is wearing a suit and the husband makes his wife tea in a ‘super mum’ mug which has been placed in the scene to reinforce the idea that the wife is wearing the trousers perhaps, in the sense she is the provider for the family. So this couple does follow the stereotype of husband and wife roles. The couple are shown having a conversation using over the shoulder shots so that the audience can be involved in the dialogue and their perspective. The editing/ cuts in this scene are slow paced to mirror the pace of the conversation and to flow, but to also make the scene appear more realistic. The camera angles used in this scene are mostly a ‘two shot’ angle to capture both characters together, the scene then ends and cross cuts to the next scene. This scene opens with a woman bent down rushing to get her child ready, in the background of the clip you can hear the shower running- digetic sound, a man then emerges from the bathroom not wearing any clothes and is closely followed by a woman , both characters are standing up and when filmed over their shoulder the woman bent down is made to look smaller and not in control while the stood up characters look more superior, the characters are also shown from an eyeline angle of the child/ mother who is bent down so you can see from their perspective and also reinforces the idea of using levels to give the impression of power, the editing in this scene is faster paced because of the layout and speed of the action, but also showing the reactions, and the shots cutting quickly from one another to show the expressions of the characters, it then cross cuts to the next scene. This scene opens with a view of the sign for a pawnbrokers, and then cuts to images of balls which a symbolicc to pawnbrokers, by showing these sygnificant images before dialogue or characters are shown in the scene you can gain a better insight into the storyline of the scene before it takes place, the camera then switches to close up views on money in the mans hand and then a close up of his expression, non digetcis music then emerges into the clip and a sound bridge occurs from one setting to another, this helps the location changes flow better so you know the two are conected, the man is then shown going home to his wife and bringing her flowers, this couple are shown as a more stereotypical couple compared to the other two, they appear to fulfill more traditional gender roles, for example the man has come home from work with a present for his wife, he is wearing a suit,and appears to be wearing the trousers in the relationship, while the woman takes on slightly more of a housewife role.