Monday 31 October 2011

Attack the block film review


Attack the block is a modern, funny, sci fi, action film, the film is quite versatile because of how it fits into a few film genres because of the style it has been written in, the fim has been written and directed by joe cornish, the film shows a gang of youths defending their council estate in south London 'the block', the films starts by showing your typical negative perception that covers the media, of youths in gangs, where a group of hoodies mug a young woman. by doing this it gives the films a challenge because you instantly don’t like the main characters but then as it follows them you begin to relate to them and love the characters. At the beginning of the film the leader of the gang, Moses, is a sinister thug and by the end of the film he’s an incredible hero, which is perfectly filmed so we change our opinion of him and dont judge a book by its cover. The movie would work no matter the design of the aliens, but the aliens work completely and live up to the hype of attack the block, with completely black, big furry, gorilla looking aliens with luminescent teeth. Along for the ride is trainee nurse neighbour Sam reluctantly teaming with the boys despite them mugging her early on, and posh pot head Brewis who has been cleverly used in contrast of how the memebers of the gang speak with their slang terms brewis comes across as quite posh and he also has a car which is from his dad suggesting he is from a different background to the members of the gang from the block and is trying to fit in.
 The films uses alot of street slang and alot of witty references to things teenagers will relate to and therfore find humourous for example fifa and texting. in my opinion it is a very likable film because it uses humour in ways like stereotyping so the audience can understand and relate, and i also think the films energetic storyline, for a low budget film it has been put together brilliantly and the dialogue and action definately lives up to the hype of this film.

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