Friday, 16 December 2011

inception essay

Successful media products depend as much on marketing and distribution to a specific audience as they do upon good production practices'. To what extent would you agree with this statement. Within the media area (film) you have studied?
Inception is a successful blockbuster film, inception from a budget of 175$ million and a market budget of 100$million it produced a  box office revenue from United States of= $292,576,195, international=  $532,956,569, and worldwide=$825,532,764.
by allowing 100$ million which is almost as much as the budget for the film, inception was able to use loads of different marketing techniques because of the huge marketing budget which allowed the film to reach as wider audience as it possibly can to make as much money as it possibly can.
For the marketing of the film various different ways of advertising were used, posters- inception had poster campaign containing a teaser trailer for the film and 7 different posters one each for a different main character this is clever because not only does it advertise the film but it also advertises what actors are in it and could attract fans of the actors/ actresses, they had giant billboards put up on the side of buildings these were a good idea because you definitely can’t miss a poster the size\of a building, 9 different tv spots advertising the film, 2 trailers, press junkets- where the cast meet and greet the international press, as well as this they have a website and spin off marketing material such as pop ups, comic books and a website for the 'dream device'.
In the trailers there is recurring theme with the use of 'The director of the dark knight' which provides the film with recognition so people know that its going to be good because they are using the high standard of the dark night as their standard setter. inception is a film that was made to attract to a few different audiences they haven’t shown it as one specific genre for a specific section of people because they want get as many people to be interested as possible, it would interest a lot of people for example- Christopher Nolan fans who know who he is and like his previous work would be interested, as well as batman fans- people who liked the dark night would want to check it out, fans of Leonardo decaprio- people who love him as an actor and like the sorts of films/ roles he plays, as well as fans of action, drama intelligent and films with good special effects.

Inception was released by Warner bro studios, the premier for inception was held in London in July 2010, it was released in both conventional and IMAX theatres on July 16, 2011, the film had its world premiere at Leicester Square in London, United Kingdom on July 8, 2010. In the United States and Canada, Inception was released theatrically in 3,792 conventional theatres and 195 IMAX theatres. The film grossed $21.8 million during its opening day on July 16, 2010, with midnight screenings in 1,500 locations. Overall the film made $62.7 million and debuted at No.1 on its opening weekend, the home video market also had strong results, with $68 million in DVD sales.
By using so many different areas of advertising that can reach almost everyone in some way- posters, TV slots, websites etc, i believe that all of these things is what makes a film successful, no marketing cant make a film brilliant its the making that makes it good but it can sell a film which is what makes the film both well known and successful.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

How is gender represented in the clip from mistresses?

How is gender represented in the clip from mistresses? Throughout this clip from mistresses three different scenes are shown, the first scene opens with a brief extract of music- non digetic to introduce the clip, the scene then takes place with a husband and wife in the kitchen, the woman in the relationship is represented as taking on not your typical house wife role, but in contrast is shown as a business woman, whereas the husband is represented as a house husband being the one who isn’t working, in the relationship the typical traditional roles seem to be reversed, and we are shown clues of this for example the wife is wearing a suit and the husband makes his wife tea in a ‘super mum’ mug which has been placed in the scene to reinforce the idea that the wife is wearing the trousers perhaps, in the sense she is the provider for the family. So this couple does follow the stereotype of husband and wife roles. The couple are shown having a conversation using over the shoulder shots so that the audience can be involved in the dialogue and their perspective. The editing/ cuts in this scene are slow paced to mirror the pace of the conversation and to flow, but to also make the scene appear more realistic. The camera angles used in this scene are mostly a ‘two shot’ angle to capture both characters together, the scene then ends and cross cuts to the next scene. This scene opens with a woman bent down rushing to get her child ready, in the background of the clip you can hear the shower running- digetic sound, a man then emerges from the bathroom not wearing any clothes and is closely followed by a woman , both characters are standing up and when filmed over their shoulder the woman bent down is made to look smaller and not in control while the stood up characters look more superior, the characters are also shown from an eyeline angle of the child/ mother who is bent down so you can see from their perspective and also reinforces the idea of using levels to give the impression of power, the editing in this scene is faster paced because of the layout and speed of the action, but also showing the reactions, and the shots cutting quickly from one another to show the expressions of the characters, it then cross cuts to the next scene. This scene opens with a view of the sign for a pawnbrokers, and then cuts to images of balls which a symbolicc to pawnbrokers, by showing these sygnificant images before dialogue or characters are shown in the scene you can gain a better insight into the storyline of the scene before it takes place, the camera then switches to close up views on money in the mans hand and then a close up of his expression, non digetcis music then emerges into the clip and a sound bridge occurs from one setting to another, this helps the location changes flow better so you know the two are conected, the man is then shown going home to his wife and bringing her flowers, this couple are shown as a more stereotypical couple compared to the other two, they appear to fulfill more traditional gender roles, for example the man has come home from work with a present for his wife, he is wearing a suit,and appears to be wearing the trousers in the relationship, while the woman takes on slightly more of a housewife role.

Monday, 28 November 2011

only way is essex representation

representation of sexuality- harry homosexuality, faminine, dressed as lady gaga, girls outfit, dancing

regional identity- accent, stereotypically wearing alot of make up, wealth, dressing up, seen as being WAGS.

Friday, 18 November 2011

class and status notes

clip from costume drama,
lower class- harry and his family
working class- edmund (employee)
upper class- visitors to the house

young boy (harry) first impressions- bare feet, raggish clothes, dull colours, lives in a hut in the woods, lower class, cant read properly, recieves boots as a present.

edmund (employee)- well dressed, big boots, authoritive.

lady of the manor- very well dressed, snobby, important, 2 men either side of her (servents/butlers), white pale face, wig, up on the steps.

ethnicity powerpoint

How is Ethnicity Represented

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Sunday, 6 November 2011

How is disability represented in 'the streets'?

How is Disability Represented in the Streets


Gender Roles (stereotypes)
Males Traditional - strong, tall, dominant. Jobs could include Plumber or builder. Lazy, football obsessed, doesn't do housework or cooking. Instrumental role in the family. Business minded. Dressed manly e.g suits. New man - Does housework, cares for children, equal to women. Well groomed. stylish, Ladies man, Homosexual man - Feminine, week, likes hairdressing, fashionable. Well groomed. Possibly wears make-up and shows female roles.
Females Traditional - Cooking, cleaning, housework, looks after the children. Often needs help from the stronger male. Typical jobs; nursing, caring. Can be innocent and not really business like. Sexy/ Powerful - Strong minded, business woman, able to get what they want. Confident. Not very loyal and can come across bitchy. Equal to men. Lesbian Woman - Masculine, dresses in men's clothes. Short hair.

Monday, 31 October 2011

Attack the block film review


Attack the block is a modern, funny, sci fi, action film, the film is quite versatile because of how it fits into a few film genres because of the style it has been written in, the fim has been written and directed by joe cornish, the film shows a gang of youths defending their council estate in south London 'the block', the films starts by showing your typical negative perception that covers the media, of youths in gangs, where a group of hoodies mug a young woman. by doing this it gives the films a challenge because you instantly don’t like the main characters but then as it follows them you begin to relate to them and love the characters. At the beginning of the film the leader of the gang, Moses, is a sinister thug and by the end of the film he’s an incredible hero, which is perfectly filmed so we change our opinion of him and dont judge a book by its cover. The movie would work no matter the design of the aliens, but the aliens work completely and live up to the hype of attack the block, with completely black, big furry, gorilla looking aliens with luminescent teeth. Along for the ride is trainee nurse neighbour Sam reluctantly teaming with the boys despite them mugging her early on, and posh pot head Brewis who has been cleverly used in contrast of how the memebers of the gang speak with their slang terms brewis comes across as quite posh and he also has a car which is from his dad suggesting he is from a different background to the members of the gang from the block and is trying to fit in.
 The films uses alot of street slang and alot of witty references to things teenagers will relate to and therfore find humourous for example fifa and texting. in my opinion it is a very likable film because it uses humour in ways like stereotyping so the audience can understand and relate, and i also think the films energetic storyline, for a low budget film it has been put together brilliantly and the dialogue and action definately lives up to the hype of this film.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

review of attack the block presentation

Findings from presentation on different things involving the making and production of attack the block, The plot of Attack the block is Set on a council estate in South London on Bonfire night, the film follows a street gang which have to defend themselves from hostile alien invaders.
Attack the block is a British science fiction action film written and directed by Joe Cornish. the film stars cast such as Jodie Whittaker, John Boyega, Alex Esmail, Franz Drameh, Leeon Jones and Simon Howard.
The film was shot on the Heygate Estate, in Elephant and Castle, London. Big Talk Productions, known for films including Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, produced the film with Film4, The UK Film Council and StudioCanal,
 its Run Time: 87min and Theatrical Release Date: 07/29/2011 and DVD Release Date: 10/25/2011, Distributor(s): Screen Gems, Optimum Releasing (UK), Screen Gems (USA), Stage 6 Films (USA).
Box Office- Budget: $13,000,000 (estimated) Opening Weekend: £1,133,859 (UK) (15 May 2011) (352 Screens) Gross:$1,024,175 (USA) (25 September 2011)

Summary- from researching into the film, watching trailors and reading reviews i have found out a lot more in detail of the putting together of the film 'Attack the block', by looking into different film websites you can gain a better persepective of the different factors and features that are involved and there are lots of different facts and figures online about the film, over all i think my presentation includes the key information about Attack the block that you would want to know and has helped my understanding of what a big hit it was/ is.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Four Quadrants

A Four Quadrant Picture is a marketing term used to describe a film targeted to all audience quadrants: men over 25, men under 25, women over 25, women under 25.

UsageIn the movie business, and it is most definitely a business, everyone is looking to maximize the audience for their picture. A four-quadrant picture is that magical type of film that attracts parents and kids, men and women, and brings in huge amounts of revenue on opening weekend. In the term “four-quadrant,” the quadrants refer to gender (male and female) and age (under 25 and over 25).
For most studios, the goal is to get enough details to line up so that they have broad-based, family-friendly appeal in designing a blockbuster or four-quadrant film. An important aspect of getting that appeal is the ratings system. An 18 Rating can be the kiss of death for a studio trying to market a film featuring pre-teen characters. A lowering from PG-13 to PG can mean millions more in revenue as parents feel more comfortable bringing young children to a given film like Evan Almighty.

ExamplesOne of the most famous four-quadrant, blockbuster films is Star Wars and all of its sequels. Jaws is another landmark blockbuster film. Other more current examples include Night at the Museum, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Shrek (1-3), Spiderman (1-3), Pirates of the Caribbean (1-3), andWall-E.

ImplicationsAnother interesting by-product of the rise of four-quadrant films in the industry is cross marketing. Those films often are associated with toys and other products that both advertise the film and bring in revenue on their own. In addition, four-quadrant films are powerful vehicles for product placement advertisers looking to show their wares to the largest audience possible.On the down side, many wonder how much effort is placed on credible, engaging story lines as opposed to marketing opportunities in these behemoth cinematic endeavors.

Above the line and below the line advertising

'Above The Line'
is a type of advertising through media such as television, cinema, radio, print, web banners and web search engines to promote brands. This type of communication is conventional in nature and is considered impersonal to customers.

'Below The Line'
 is efficient and cost-effective for targeting a limited and specific group. This can take the form of tie in's with other products and companies.

ATTACK THE BLOCK- presentation

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Film production flow chart

Film Production Flow Chart

Film production notes

Development - The process of finding a story. Ideas for films come alot of different places for example they can range from novels, real life events, toys or even other films.Once you've got an idea you'll need to write a pitch which you take to a film producer in an attempt to get some funding for your film. Even at this very early stage you need a very clear idea of who you're aiming you film at.

Pre-production - Once you've got funding you establish your budget and can begin to get a film crew together, you can storyboard the script. You also need break the script down into individual scenes and identify all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects needed.
Production - This is simply the process of making the film. Provided pre-production stage went well the making of the film should be straight forward. 'Film' is very expensive and difficult to store so an increasing number of film makers are using digital cameras to save money.

Post-production - During this stage you take all the 'film' you've shot and give it to a film editor. They will then begin putting it together. Special effects will be added, a soundtrack will be added, any missing dialogue will be re-recorded and added resulting in a 'rough cut'. This will be shown to the director and a test audience who will offer feedback. Often this causes scenes to be filmed and added or removed.

Tim burton notes

Tim burton
For our presentation we looked at the film director Tim burton, from putting researching Tim burton we were able to recognise what a brilliant film director he is but also see him as an artist as well as this, some of the films he has directed include Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas Sweeney Todd and Alice in Wonderland
Tim burton has his own signature style and from watching trailor of his films and redaing information on him we were able to establish his signiture style which is a kind of gothic but quirky style with fanatasy elements in the films, and he often includes christmas or halloween scenes in them. Tim burton tends to use the same sort of actors for example johnny depp features in alot of his films aswell as his wife Helen Bonham Carter who is known to appear in a few, by looking into Tim Burton in detail we were able to find out and appreciate all about his background and the way he fills out his role as a film director.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Tim Burton presentation

water loo road homework

I have chosen the character Denzil from waterloo road, because i feel that he completeley show signs of slotting into the typical troubled teenage stereotype, i think this because of the way they are represented as abit of a rogue, He appears to put up a cheeky and yob like front and has potential to just get caught up in bad behaviour but really looks out for his friends, and he is shown in his school uniform but doesnt look as smart as he could, he also has his ear pierced which is also known as as 'teenage' thing.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Audience and Institution

Task 1
1. Do you think the audiences for most media texts do come “from all walks of life” or do different kinds of people watch very different kinds of programme? Are there any examples of media texts that you can think of that do seem to have audiences of all kinds of people?
i think its actually abit of both in a way, everyone has different interests and even if they share the same interests their personality or their stereotype may differ from what they chose to watch on tv, however generally it is the case that different kinds of people watch very different kinds of programmes. for example things with a big count of people tuning in to watch them, eg. Soap opera's (Coronation street, Eastenders, Emmerdale), X-factor/ Britains got talent, programme's on at 'prime time'.

2. How much of your media experience occurs when you are on your own and how much when you are with others?
70% on your own (tv, laptop, phone) and 30% with others (films, programme's etc)
3. How do you experience/consume media (i.e. watch or listen to it)?
tv, ipod, twitter, facebook, films, cinema, blogs, youtube, websites, computer, phone, magazines, newspapers.
4. Are there any ways in which you share your experiences of the media with other people who weren’t around when you experienced the text? List as many ways as you share experiences (e.g. msn etc)
word of mouth, text, facebook, twitter, phone, chatting.

Task 2
McQuail and Katz didn't focus solely on film, but you have to. Try and identify a film for each of the FOUR areas identified by McQuail and Katz

a) the need for information about our geographical and social world news and dra
Hotel rowanda, remember me
b) the need for identity, by using characters and personalities to define our sense of self
and social behaviour film celeb
S.trinians, harry potter
c) the need for social interaction through experiencing the relationships and interaction of
My sisters keeper, love actually
d) the need for diversion by using the media for purposes of play and entertainment.
Mean girls, inbetweeners

Teenagers& Elderly people in the media

Teenagers in the media
 Teenagers are represented very negatively in the media, there has been endless acounts where teenagers get bored and roam the streets looking to cause trouble, providing the media with a constant flow of stories including stabbings, gun crime and damaged property, mainly pointed in the direction of young teenage boys or 'hoodies'. This means that only this small percentage of teenagers who do create all the issues in the media are creating the repuatation, and for example the future genius's are getting over looked. but by most of the stories that cover the media being negative or to do with crime means it allows the public to form a negative opinion which has now been labelled stereotypically on most teenagers.

Elderly people in the media
Elderly people are represented in the media almost as a slight burden, on tv programme's like soaps they are potrayed as busy bodies that are quite stuck in their own ways and like to tell their past stories, in different parts of the media they are shown as being very stubborn and moaning about changes in society, and are not portayed as anyone with a contribution, overall they arent represented how normal working class people are represented.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Cheryl cole L'Oreal advert

Cheryl cole L'Oreal elvive advert
i have chosen this advert because i feel like its a good advert for shampoo and uses a few looks from the 'male gaze', in this advert it uses the 'super smiler' look because it shows Cheryl smiling and looking glowing, by showing her like this it sends a message out to the audience that the shampoo good make you like Cheryl and happy and glowing. It also uses the 'care free' look by showing her cheerful and swishing her hair around.

Pixie lott 'Mama Do'

Pixie lott Mama Do
I have cut out 30 seconds of pixie lotts music video 'Mama Do', i have chosen this video because i think it includes lots of elements of the 'male gaze', and i think she is shown in ways for people to look at her in a certain way in this snipit of the music video pixie is shown in what looks like a white mens shirt- this would be seen as sexy and cute to men, she is lying on a bed at the begining which could be interpreted as invitational gaze because throughout the small clip she has a hint of a smile suggesting mischief and is looking directly into the camera at the people watching the video with the focus on her eyes, she is also crawling along the floor with girls behind in a 'heaven' like atmosphere with all white pillows/clouds around them, this is classed as the invitational look but aswell as this romatic/ sexual because of how they are positioned- crawling towards the camera which would be seen as seductive and where the audience will focus on their expression/ chests. In the video there are alot of close ups on Pixie's face which show the audience more detail and bring elements of the chocolate box look into the video as well as all the seductive feautures.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The male gaze homework

Chocolate box: half or full-smile, lips together or slightly parted, teeth barely visible, full or three-quarter face to camera. Projected mood: blandly pleasing, warm bath warmth, where uniformity of features in their smooth perfection is devoid of uniqueness or of individuality.

invitational: emphasis on the eyes, mouth shut or with only a hint of a smile, head to one side or looking back to camera. Projected mood: suggestive of mischief or mystery, the hint of contact potential rather than sexual promise, the cover equivalent of advertising’s soft sell.

super smiler :full face, wide open toothy smile, head thrust forward or chin thrown back, hair often wind-blown. Projected mood: aggressive, ‘look-at-me’ demanding, the hard sell, ‘big come-on’ approach.
romantic or sexual: a fourth and more general classification devised to include male and female ‘two-somes’; or the dreamy, heavy-lidded, unsmiling big-heads, or the overtly sensual or sexual. Projected moods: possible ‘available’ and definitely ‘available’.

(Marjorie Ferguson)

seductive: similar to the cool/level look in many respects - the eyes are less wide, perhaps shaded, the expression is less reserved but still self-sufficient and confident; milder versions may include a slight smile.

carefree: nymphlike, active, healthy, gay, vibrant, outdoor girl; long unrestrained outward-flowing hair, more outward-going than the above, often smiling or grinning.

practical:concentrating, engaged on the business in hand, mouth closed, eyes object-directed, sometimes a slight frown; hair often short or tied back.

Comic: deliberately ridiculous, exaggerated, acting the fool, pulling faces for the benefit of a real or imaginary audience, sometimes close to a sort of archness.

catalogue: a neutral look as of a dummy, artificial, waxlike; features may be in any position, but most likely to be with eyes open wide and a smile, but the look remains vacant and empty; personality has been removed.

(Trevor Millum)

Friday, 16 September 2011

Calvin klein underwear models-'the male gaze'

This male model 'Freddie ljungberg' is set right in the middle of the picture as the complete focus, he is shot from a mid angle so you can see from his head to the top of his legs. He is in a strong pose and is holding direct and intense gaze right into the camera which is aimed for the people looking at this advert, he is also set in a seductive position with a red background behind him - which is related to romance/sex, in the image you can see the majority of his body in a sexual and seductive position where he is  pulling slightly on his boxers, by doing this it also draws your eyes to the calvin klein on the boxers which is what the advert is selling, This model has been used because he is toned and tanneda nd is an object of desire for women.he is holding onto a bar which could have been used as a phallic symbol and also to show his strength and how toned muscles are, his hands are both in almost fist positions which shows stregth or agression. His body has a sheen to it, which suggest he could maybe have been working out. This advert is for mens boxers so its designed for men to want to buy the boxers so it uses the idea of other men desiring the physique of this model and think they would look like it in the boxers, or think that these boxers will improve their sex life and want to buy them.

These images show the model 'Eva mendes' modelling underwear for calvin klein, in the images she is wearing bra, pants and stockings with a heels which give her a provocative look, in one image the camera angle is a long shot so you can see her whole body, i think that the image is sexually sugestive in alot of different ways, the way she is standing and holding her head in an almost organsmic position, she also has her legs open in both shots. buy wearing stockings and heels as well the underwear it creates an almost fantasy for men to look at. Both images are taken slightly from a low angle making her legs look longer but also making her look more in power and holding a sort of sexual control over the men looking at this advert. The campaign is made to sell the underwear to women so by having this image as the advert for womens underwear it makes women want to buy the underwear because women may look at the advert and envie the models body and sex appeal so they would but the lingerie because they want to feel sexy and think it may improve their sex life if they buy them.

How is lester burnham represented?

How is lester burnham represented?
The character lester burnham from the film american beauty is shown to viewers as trapped in his own life, it shows lester burnham and unhappy, depressed middle aged man with little power over his life and relationships. Lester burnham is represented through the begining of the film via his non exsistant relationship with his wife, it becomes apparent that Lester doesnt wear the trousers in the relationship, and actually rides in the back on the way to work while his wife drives and daughter sits in the front, this tells us he doesnt take on the typical man of the house role, while his wife controls everything, He is also shown through the weak relationship and lack of communication with his daughter showing that although they have the money and a really nice house the families relationships arent as strong.
Lester burnham is shown as the weaker in the family we can tell this by the camera angle used in the begining of the film for example the camera is quite often pointing down on Lester showing a lack of authority, and in term of levels his wife is always a step above him which represents a shift of power.
Lester Burnham in the begining of american beauty is frequently shown as trapped, for example it shows him in a small boxy office in a dead end job. Lester burnham is shown lusting after his teenage daughters friend and when put in a school situation is represented almost as a teenage boy by the way he is slouching and daydreaming about this girl, He is narrating the film which means we get the story from his point of view and are shown his side to his life, and from this we can tell he finds his own life extremely dull and perhaps even lonely.Throughout this begining of the film we can tell Lester Burnham is trapped in his own dull and repeated life but shows behaviour of going through a possible mid life crisis.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Camera angles

Camera angles in films,
long shot
mid shot
low angle
 high angle
close up

Saturday, 10 September 2011

'The man'

Notes on the representation of 'The man' 'every morning i see the same man, average sized, a grey beard, quite rugged looking, rough clothes, scuffed up shoes, tattered black hat and rips in his trousers that he has tried to repair himself, clothes he has picked up out of a charity bag off the street, i always see him on this same busy street.. he's homeless and has no family with him ever, he tends to spend his time lurking around this spot waiting for his shift to start. . steorotypyically from his clothes you would think he looks quite grubby and unkept which is why i thought of how i represented him in the way i did, then too find out he's really the head of Ralph Lauren's vintage department, so he's very involved in fashion and just has his own style.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

About me

i haven chosen media studies because the subject interested me and i felt i could get something out of it, i also thought went well with my other subjects being art, sociology and textiles.
i have had a recent love for beaver falls and britains next top model

i tend to read alot of fashion magazines for example- company, cosmopolitan.. and the odd celebrity magazine. i have a few favourite films but my favourite 3 would probably be mean girls, john tucker must die and superbad.
music wise- embarrassingly i like 'pop' music, tad obbsessed with one direction