Saturday, 24 September 2011

Teenagers& Elderly people in the media

Teenagers in the media
 Teenagers are represented very negatively in the media, there has been endless acounts where teenagers get bored and roam the streets looking to cause trouble, providing the media with a constant flow of stories including stabbings, gun crime and damaged property, mainly pointed in the direction of young teenage boys or 'hoodies'. This means that only this small percentage of teenagers who do create all the issues in the media are creating the repuatation, and for example the future genius's are getting over looked. but by most of the stories that cover the media being negative or to do with crime means it allows the public to form a negative opinion which has now been labelled stereotypically on most teenagers.

Elderly people in the media
Elderly people are represented in the media almost as a slight burden, on tv programme's like soaps they are potrayed as busy bodies that are quite stuck in their own ways and like to tell their past stories, in different parts of the media they are shown as being very stubborn and moaning about changes in society, and are not portayed as anyone with a contribution, overall they arent represented how normal working class people are represented.

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