Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Global institutions dominate media production, these institutions sell their products and services to national audiences, to what extent do you agree with this statement?

Global institutions dominate media production, these institutions sell their products and services to national audiences, to what extent do you agree with this statement?
Global institutions are institutions that distribute and produce films, ‘the big six’ global institutions are Universal, paramount, 21st century Fox, Warner Bro’s, Sony and Disney.
One of the big six is Warner bro’s, warner bro’s pictures distributed the Blockbuster film Inception, Its official budget was $160 million, a cost which was split between Warner Bros and Legendary Pictures, and Warner Bros. spent $100 million marketing the film, they carried out endless marketing using various marketing strategies such as 9 different TV spots, a film website, various posters, teaser trailer, and various official trailers, inception were able to draw in big actor’s such as Leonardo dicaprio this meant that they could use him in the marketing of the film and gave them a head start by catching the attention of Leonardo dicaprio fans.
Another of the ‘big six’ is universal, universal own 67% of the British production company Working title, Working title films produced the film PAUL a 2011, British-American science fiction comedy film. The budget for the film was around $40 million; PAUL used various marketing techniques such as a teaser trailer and an official trailer, because of the smaller budget PAUL wasn’t able to carry out any where near as much marketing as inception because the inception marketing budget alone was more than double PAUL’s budget, other techniques of marketing were used for example Simon peg used the social networking site twitter to tweet and advertise for the film.
In contrast Joe Cornish’s 2011 British science fiction comedy horror film wasn’t released by one of the big six it was released by Studio Canal’s British distribution company Optimum Releasing, the budget for production and film was only $13million, this represents how the big six dominate the media because attack the block is lower budget film that made less money and wasn’t marketed as well as films such as inception so it wasn’t well known which affected how much money is was set to make.
 To conclude I strongly agree with the statement that global institutions dominate the media, for example to big six production companies dominate the media because of their large budgets which allows them to splash out on a larger scale of production and marketing allowing them to spend more money and gain more recognition which permits them to dominate the media and film industry.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

How important is technological convergence for institutions and audiences within a media area which you have studied?

How important is technological convergence for institutions and audiences within a media area which you have studied?
Technological convergence has allowed institutions in film to produce and market films in a variety of ways and has provided films with different and new characteristics.
The development in technology has meant that different cameras and special effect can be added and used in films; producers from the film inception used The film 'Inception' was shot using 35mm camera with key scenes film on a 65mm format, but several different varieties of cameras/ lenses to achieve a diverse amount of shots and effects.
Special effects help to set each film apart, in the making of the film PAUL the production team used CGI special effects to create the main character being PAUL the alien and in Attack the block Joe Cornish used CG special effects to create the alien like characters in the film. The classic film Titanic has recently been released in 3D producers of the film decided to recreate the film in 3D, special effects such as 3D benefit the audience because they are allowing the audience to explore new areas and features that can enhance film watching, and adds to viewer’s entertainment.
Films are marketed essentially to grab the populations attention and draw them in to showing an interest and wanting to watch the film, films can be marketed using new technology in so many different ways- Tv adverts; inception released 9 different tv spots, by having so many it grabbed the attention of the audience by starting to piece together a story. Social networking (twitter, Facebook, blogs) Simon Pegg a writer and cast member involved in PAUL used twitter to tweet about the upcoming release/ backstage to attract viewers and allows them an exclusive peak which would be interesting for the audience. Film websites- inception set up a film website showing features/ soundtracks and trailers.
Release with technological convergence, DVD and blu ray films, attack the block was released on DVD and DVD blue ray (HD). Technological convergence has meant that people can download films from the internet straight to their laptop/ phone or ipad, this has meant that technology with films can keep up with peoples busy schedule and means people can watch the films/ trailers at any convenient time.  However this could mean that film company’s are losing money because people are illegally downloading films for free and aren’t benefitting the actual film team because they aren’t buying the film direct on DVD or blu ray.
Distribution with technological convergence, technological convergence has meant that films in cinemas are now turning digital which means they can be shown easier because they aren’t on the large rolls of film, it has also meant that films can be released so much quicker than in the past.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

ethnicity essay

Representation of ethnicity in the Eastenders clip?
Stereotypically ethnic characters are expected to be less represented and in the minority. In this clip from Eastenders the 5 ethnic characters Patrick, Denise, Lucas, Chelsea and friend are represented as an everyday British family living in east London.
The scene opens with Patrick and Denise, having a typically scripted conversation the dialogue doesn’t contain anything specialised using conversations such as marriage and a letter received from an ex wife, towards there ethnicity the only recognisable feature in the dialogue would be Patricks distinctive Jamaican accent.                                                                                       
The mise en scene in the scene shows Patrick’s house decorated with fairly bright colours (yellow and red) and containing tropical plants placed around the room; the colours in the shot may represent the characters of ethnicity and perhaps reinforce colours from the Jamaican flag.                                                                                                                                                   In the shot Denise and Patrick are mainly shown by the camera in a two shot and over the shoulder shots so the audience can view the conversation and are close enough to see the expressions of the characters. The shots also cut from one character to another to show how they are reacting.
The scene then cuts to the cafĂ©, in these shots there are mainly black and ethnic characters shown in the foreground and background this is showing and equal and multi cultural society. In the new location the scene focuses on two character Chelsea (Denise’s daughter) and her friend, Chelsea is represented as a normal and typical teenage character to be living in the area, she shows di interest of what her friend is talking about you can see this in her body language and in the dialogue shown.  Her friend seems very educated and interested in the heritage of her family- wanting to talk to Patrick. Advertisements on posters on the wall help to portray a realistic setting.                                                                                                       
The music playing the background of the scene is ‘we are young we are free’ this has been placed in the scene to represent the idea of what they are discussing being about Chelsea not being interested in the history and being young and getting on with life. The camera angles in the scene are mainly close up two shots to show the reactions of the characters.
Ethnic characters in this clip are seen as normal and part of their society, however the onlooker in the family being Chelsea’s friend is the only one who makes a point of separating them because of skin colour by generalising them as ‘us’ to which Chelsea questions.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Working title

1.     Who were the co-founders of Working Title?
Working Title Films was co-founded by producers Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe
2.     When was the company founded?
working title was founded in 1983
3.     Where is Working Title based?
its a British film production company, based in London
4.     Who are the co-chairpersons of WT now?
The Co-chairpersons of Working Title  are  Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner
5.     What awards have Working Title won?
Working Title have won 6 academy awards, 26 BAFTA'S, 4 Oscars and many more. Including Working title has won the Audience Award for Best International Feature at the LA Film Festival, For its Film Senna, They won the best costume design for the film Elizabeth: The Gold Age, and an Oscar for The Best Original Score, for Atonement.
6.     How many full time staff does WT employ?
Working Title is located in London, and is known for having a limited number of employees.
7.     What is Working Title’s philosophy?
8.     List 5 box-office hits that Working Title have made.
Four Weddings and a Funeral, shaun of the dead,  Notting Hill , Bridget Jones's Diary, Hot fuzz.
9.     List 5 flops that Working Title has made.
Sixty Six  (budget 3 million - made 1.9 million)
Inside I'm dancing (budget 5 million- made £500,000)

        Micky Bo and me (budget 3 million- made £172,336)
The boat that rocked (budget 50 million- made 36.3 million
10.  What is Richard Curtis’ relationship with Working Title?
Richard curtis wrote films for working title such as Four weddings and a funeral, Notting hill, Love actually and shows such as the vicar of dibley and mr bean.
11.  List 2 famous directors that Working Title have worked?
Working title have worked with numerous directors but one of the most famous being Mike Newell who won a BAFTA award in 1994 for Four Weddings and a Funeral whilst also directing “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in 2005”. Sharron Maguire is another famous director Working Title have worked with, who is well known for directing “Bridget Jones Dairy” and is now currently working with Film4 on a film called ‘Mail’.
12.  What is Hugh Grant’s relationship with Working Title?
hugh grant played key roles in working title films such as 'Bridget jones's diary', 'Love actually' and 'Notting hill'
13.   Find out about the Coen Brothers (films, genres, status) and what do they have to do with Working Title?
14. Who owns 67% of Working Title films? When did this happen? Why did this happen?
all of working title films are distributed by universal pictures who have a 67% stake, this happened in 2007.
15.   List two of Working Title big blockbuster films and find out their budgets.
16.  What genre of films is Working Title most famous for?
Romantic comedies
17.  What other genres do Working Title films like to make?
18.  Find out as much as you can about WT2? (when established, films made, budgets, awards)
In 1999, Bevan and Fellner launched a subsidiary company named Working Title 2 Productions, commonly known as WT2. The company is an independent film production arm run by Natascha Wharton, and has produced films that include Billy Elliot, Shaun of the Dead and The Calcium Kid
19.   What information can you find out about Working Title through their web page?
20.  Find out one other interesting fact about Working Title that you would like to share with the class.