How important is technological convergence for institutions and audiences within a media area which you have studied?
Technological convergence has allowed institutions in film to produce and market films in a variety of ways and has provided films with different and new characteristics.
The development in technology has meant that different cameras and special effect can be added and used in films; producers from the film inception used The film 'Inception' was shot using 35mm camera with key scenes film on a 65mm format, but several different varieties of cameras/ lenses to achieve a diverse amount of shots and effects.
Special effects help to set each film apart, in the making of the film PAUL the production team used CGI special effects to create the main character being PAUL the alien and in Attack the block Joe Cornish used CG special effects to create the alien like characters in the film. The classic film Titanic has recently been released in 3D producers of the film decided to recreate the film in 3D, special effects such as 3D benefit the audience because they are allowing the audience to explore new areas and features that can enhance film watching, and adds to viewer’s entertainment.
Films are marketed essentially to grab the populations attention and draw them in to showing an interest and wanting to watch the film, films can be marketed using new technology in so many different ways- Tv adverts; inception released 9 different tv spots, by having so many it grabbed the attention of the audience by starting to piece together a story. Social networking (twitter, Facebook, blogs) Simon Pegg a writer and cast member involved in PAUL used twitter to tweet about the upcoming release/ backstage to attract viewers and allows them an exclusive peak which would be interesting for the audience. Film websites- inception set up a film website showing features/ soundtracks and trailers.
Release with technological convergence, DVD and blu ray films, attack the block was released on DVD and DVD blue ray (HD). Technological convergence has meant that people can download films from the internet straight to their laptop/ phone or ipad, this has meant that technology with films can keep up with peoples busy schedule and means people can watch the films/ trailers at any convenient time. However this could mean that film company’s are losing money because people are illegally downloading films for free and aren’t benefitting the actual film team because they aren’t buying the film direct on DVD or blu ray.
Distribution with technological convergence, technological convergence has meant that films in cinemas are now turning digital which means they can be shown easier because they aren’t on the large rolls of film, it has also meant that films can be released so much quicker than in the past.
What grade did u get on this answer ? as its pretty cool one.